The Academic and Methodological Centre for Research on the Bar and Law of the Ukrainian National Bar Association (hereinafter – “the Centre”) was established by open vote at the BCU meeting of 6 April 2013, which also approved the Regulation on the Centre (BCU decision of 6 April 2013 no. 120) and unanimously appointed its head – Ms Iryna Vasylyk, candidate of historical sciences, manager of the project "History of the Bar of Ukraine".
The Centre cooperates with research centres, academic institutions, universities, secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, legal and public organizations of Ukraine and abroad.
Research activity of the Centre:
- Initiation and implementation in the learning process of a comprehensive research in the field of the bar and law of Ukraine;
- Analysis of the structure of the bar and advocates’ professional activities in Ukraine and abroad;
- Research and popularization of the Ukrainian bar and its history;
- Research, systematization and promotion among advocates and persons intending to obtain advocate’s certificate of knowledge about the modern scientific and community centres, use of their legacy for the profession;
- Participation in the national and international research and educational projects and events;
- Publication of a professional journal approved by the Higher Attestation Commission;
- Providing academic scholarships and grants for academic research;
- Academic advice for persons who raise their qualification and skills independently.
Academic, educational and methodological activities of the Centre:
- development and introduction in the educational process of disciplines and courses for students of higher educational establishments studying law, optional courses in schools, lyceums and gymnasiums;
- provision of courses with teaching methods;
- development of programs, courses and special courses, guidelines for students of different specialties, courses and forms of education and pupils;
- organization of work and provision of methodological assistance to educational institutions in developing curricula and studying programs;
- assistance to advocates in their academic, cultural, educational and training activities;
- coordination of methodical work with regional archives and museums, universities, research institutions;
- organizational and technical advice to advocates on preparation of their PhD theses;
- preparation of programs of exams and training materials for advocates on the history of the bar and law;
- conduct of training activities (lectures, seminars, workshops, presentations, etc.) for advocates, students, graduate students, researchers and all stakeholders;
- certification work (examination and review of academic papers, theses, books, etc.);
- provision of organizational and methodological assistance to research institutions working in this area;
- preparation of programs and modern methods of training advocates and persons wishing to become an advocate;
- organization and conduct of traineeship for experts on the history of the Ukrainian bar and law, including traineeship abroad and exchange programs;
- organization and conduct of academic events: conferences, seminars, round tables, exhibitions, workshops, symposia, etc;
- provision of services aimed at creation of common educational centres, clubs, research groups and consulting centres, vocational work;
- informational work: creation of media libraries, files, information banks, maintenance of relevant databases.
Publishing activities:
- publication of a separate specialized academic, educational and methodological journal;
- publication of books, monographs, manuals, unpublished manuscripts and reprint publications by advocates of past generations, encyclopaedias, biographical dictionaries, etc;
- publication of materials on the results of academic events (competitions, conferences, round tables, etc.): programs of conferences, handouts and visual materials, collections of academic publications, abstracts of presentations, booklets, training materials, etc.
Cultural and artistic activities:
- initiation of cultural and artistic events opening up new perspectives and approaches related to the past, present and future of the bar and law of Ukraine;
- setting dialogue between the academic community, advocates and the public, which will facilitate the use and exchange of academic, professional and cultural potential of these subjects;
- assistance in the creation, operation and development of non-professional associations in which advocates participate;
- organization and conduct of historical and art exhibitions, including exhibitions of contemporary art works by advocates, public discussions, etc.;
- encouragement of young producers and screenwriters for writing and filming documentaries and feature films about the life and work of the Ukrainian advocates; and
- creation and maintenance of the Centre’s website and media-library.

Chairwoman, Ph.D. in History, Manager of the project 'History of Advocacy of Ukraine'
Е-адреса: i.vasylyk@unba.org.ua