
Акордеон: The Regulatory Policy Committee

The Regulatory Policy Committee established in accordance with the decision of the Bar Council of Ukraine dated September 8, 2015 No. 139. The Committee is a permanent collegial advisory body.

The Committee operates to develop recommendations, prepare explanatory materials, otherwise improve the legal regulation of interaction between state authorities and advocates, eliminating state interference with the legal profession and other obstacles to legal practice etc.


Committee Membership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Yuliia Baliuk


Акордеон: The UNBA Migration, Citizenship, Protection from Deportation and Extradition Committee

The UNBA Migration, Citizenship, Protection from Deportation and Extradition Committee is a permanent collegial advisory body operating within Ukrainian National Bar Association in accordance with the decision of the BCU dated February 11, 2022 #35.

The purpose of the Committee: establishment of unified practice and enforcement approaches as a result of interaction with the State Migration Service of Ukraine (SMSU), the State Border Service of Ukraine (SBSU), other law enforcement agencies, taking into account the existing judicial practice, which will contribute to the protection of human rights in the field of migration.


Committee’s objectives:

  • preparation of proposals for amendments to current legislation, as well as participation in the relevant working groups of the relevant Verkhovna Rada Committees and other state authorities;

  • analysis of the current court practice and ensuring its uniform implementation by state authorities through interaction, participation in round tables, public councils, promotion of human rights, cooperation and other collaboration with the SMS of Ukraine, the SBSU, the Security Service of Ukraine, Prosecutor’s General Office, other law enforcement agencies;

  • cooperation with public associations in preparation of proposals for solving socially important issues related to migration;

  • identification of current problems in the field of human rights protection pertaining to migration and provide assistance in solving them;

  • preparation of analytical and methodical materials for advocates practicing in the fields of human rights protection and migration;

  • interaction with regional bodies of Bar self-governance on issues within the competence of the Committee;

  • organization and holding of seminars, conferences, round tables aimed at expert discussion of relevant problematic issues, professional development of advocates.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Dmytro Kovalenko

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Ihor Vasko

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Serhii Kucheriavenko


Committee Board Membership

Kyrylo Barashkov 

Serhii Korniienko 

Antonii Kurtz

Акордеон: The Committee for Business and Investor Protection

The Committee for Business and Investor Protection is a permanent collegial advisory body established at the Ukrainian National Bar Association in accordance with the order of the President of the UNBA/BCU dated September 20, 2019 No. 123.

The purpose the Committee

The main purpose of the Committee's activity is to unite advocates and exchange experience in the field of providing legal assistance to businesses and investors, consolidate interaction with representatives of state and law enforcement in matters of violation of the legal rights and interests of business entities, formation of an expert position in solving practical problems, assistance increasing the legal culture of business representatives and investors.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Serhii Khilchenko

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Serhii Lysenko

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Evgeny Ishchenko

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Kyrylo Kuznetsov


Committee Board Membership

Iryna Antonets 

Mykola Dukhonchenko 

Oleksandr Zinchenko

Oleksandr Kovalenko

Dmytro Lutsenko

Denys Nagornyuk

Yury Rozhkov

Ihor Feshchenko

Andriy Shabelnikov

Krystyna Shokh

Yuriy Shulika


Акордеон: The Committee for Agrarian, Land and Environmental Law

The Committee for Agrarian, Land and Environmental Law is a permanent advisory body established at Ukrainian National Bar Association in accordance with the order of the UNBA/BCU President #132 of September 26, 2019.

Relevance: to bring together the lead specialists in the fields of agrarian, land and environmental law in order to ensure protection of the citizens’ and organizations’ rights and interests, improve law enforcement practice and articulate the stance of the legal community regarding current problems of agrarian, land and environmental law.

The purpose of the Committee: promoting the development of agrarian, land and environmental law, ensuring effective protection of the rights of agrarian, land and environmental law stakeholders, exchanging information between advocates regarding the application of legislation, strategies for judicial and extrajudicial protection of the rights and interests of parties to agrarian, land and environmental legal relations.

Committee objectives:

- study, analysis and generalization of agrarian, land and environmental law enforcement practice;

- formation of the legal community positions regarding current issues of law-making or solving urgent issues of law enforcement;

- dissemination of legal knowledge among advocates and society at large in order to popularize  agrarian, land and environmental law;

- preparation of proposals for improvement of agrarian, land and environmental legislation, work on draft laws, participation in working groups;

- organization and holding of seminars, conferences, trainings, roundtables and other events jointly with the UNBA and UNBA HSA on the issues of agrarian, land and environmental law;

- studying the foreign legal developments in the field of agrarian, land and environmental law;

- establishment of international cooperation with professional institutions, focusing on agrarian, land and environmental law;

- cooperation with specialized higher educational institutions for the purpose of joint participation in scientific, research programs and projects aimed at the development of agrarian, land and environmental law;

- interaction with regional bodies of Bar self-government on issues of agrarian, land and environmental law;

- interaction with state authorities, local self-government, courts, international institutions and legal entities and natural persons for the purpose of developing agrarian, land and environmental law.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Viktor Kobylianskii

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Dmytro Navrotskyi

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Sofiia Shutiak

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Oleksii Yanushevskiy


Committee Board Membership

Svitlana Balandina 

Yan Bilogolovyi

Viktoriya Varenikova

Vitaly Zhadobin

Inna Zhogalska 

Hanna Melnytska 

Volodymyr Pospolitak 

Vadym Roshkanyuk

Andrii Sutkovyi

Anna Fedun




Акордеон: The Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee

The Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee is a permanent collegial advisory body, formed on the basis of the Committee on Mediation in accordance with the order of the UNBA/BCU President #6 dated 27 Jan, 2021.

The purpose of the Committee:

- unifying the efforts of the legal community in promoting use of all alternative dispute resolution venues (hereinafter ADR) and the actively involve advocates in the use of ADR;

- promotion of pre-trial and out-of-court dispute settlement between the parties, taking into account that ADR includes arbitration, mediation and negotiation.

Committee objectives:

- participation in the drafting legislation concerning ADR, development of proposals for both drafts and and current legislation with the aim of improving the ADR regulation and filling the legislative gaps;

- introduction of the professional community of Ukrainian advocates willing to focus or obtain additional ADR qualifications;

- collection and generalization of court practice related to ADR mechanisms;

- organization and holding of joint events with the judicial authorities regarding the discussion of judicial practice in cases related to arbitration;

- preparation of analytical and methodical materials for advocates in the field of ADR;

- organization and holding of seminars, conferences, trainings and other events jointly with UNBA, in particular, involving foreign advocates specializing in ADR;

- ensuring that advocates acquire profound theoretical knowledge and acquire practical skills in the field of ADR by other means;

- development of educational programs aimed at improving the qualifications of advocates in the field of ADR;

- establishment of cooperation, including international cooperation, with arbitration institutions and mediation centers;

- cooperation with specialized higher educational institutions for the purpose of joint participation in scientific, research programs and projects aimed at the development of ADR in Ukraine;

- interaction with authorities, local self-government, courts, international institutions,  legal entities and natural persons for the purpose of promoting ADR in Ukraine;

- coverage of current issues in the field of ADR in mass-media.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Olena Perepelynska


Committee Board Membership

Oleksandr Droug

Anastasia Klyan 

Sofya Pogorila

Victoria Polishchuk 

Luiza Romanadze

Anna Sazhko 

Oleg Triboy 

Krystyna Khrypkova


Committee Advisors

Viktor Vovnyuk


Committee Experts 

Maryna Sayenko

Акордеон: The Committee on Anti-corruption Policy and Compliance

The Committee on Anti-corruption Policy and Compliance is a permanent collegial advisory body established at the Ukrainian National Bar Association in accordance with the decision of the BCU dated June 1, 2018 No. 70.

The purpose of the Committee is to research and improve policies aimed at preventing corruption as a social phenomenon and the emergence of conflicts of interest among the legal community, as well as increasing the authority of the legal profession in the field of fighting corruption.

Committee objectives:

- collection, generalization and analysis of law enforcement practices in the field of combating corruption;

- preparation of analytical and methodical materials for advocates in the areas of anti-corruption policy and fight against corruption;

- development of training programs aimed at improving the qualifications of advocates on specialized topics;

- interaction with the regional bodies of the Bar self-government on issues within its competence;

- interaction with authorities, local self-government bodies, courts, international institutions and legal entities and natural persons for the purpose of developing specialized areas and ensuring human rights;

- cooperation with public associations in order to prepare proposals for solving socially important issues related to the prevention of corruption;

- consideration of appeals within the limits of their powers, providing recommendations or proposals submitted for consideration by the President of UNBA/BCU;

- monitoring of corruption manifestations involving advocates and application of measures for their elimination and non-repetition;

- conducting joint scientific and practical activities with law enforcement, prosecutor's offices, judicial institutions and other state bodies aimed at preventing corruption and the risks of its occurrence;

- carrying out expert-analytical work and providing scientific and methodological assistance regarding the identification by state bodies, local self-government bodies of corruption risks in their activities and their implementation of measures to eliminate them, including the preparation and implementation of anti-corruption programs;

- ensuring scientific and practical cooperation with the private sector regarding the implementation of anti-corruption programs;

- constant monitoring of legislation in the field of anti-corruption, preparation of a proposal to improve state policy in this regard;

- taking other measures to achieve the goals and objectives of the Committee, UNBA, BCU.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Oleksandr Gotin

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Iryna Ivasiuk

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Oksana Kadenko


Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Susanna Tirzikyan

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Andriy Kasatkin


Committee Board Membership

Anastasia Gurska 

Oleksandr Posternak

Maksym Soroka 

Oleksandr Shumov

Olena Yandyan 

Акордеон: The UNBA Insolvency Committee

The UNBA Insolvency Committee is a permanent collegial advisory body established within Ukrainian National Bar Association in accordance with Order No. 130 of September 26, 2019.

The purpose of the Committee is to unite advocates, promote cooperation and exchange of experience in the field of insolvency, determination of priority areas of bankruptcy practice and formation of an expert position in solving practical issues in this field. The committee enables improvement of the professional qualifications for advocates specializing in bankruptcy procedures, and the participation of the legal community in the formation of the practice of applying the Code of Ukraine on Insolvency Procedures.

Committee Objectives:

- interaction and cooperation with representatives of the judiciary, establishing a dialogue with all other branches of government, as well as with international institutions in order to improve the level of protection of the rights of debtors, creditors and insolvency trustees;

- promoting the insolvency of individuals and determination of the direction of its development;

- association on the basis of a committee of specialists and leaders of the national market of providing insolvency services;

- development and distribution of analytical information and methodical materials for advocates practicing in this field;

- participation in the organization and conduct of seminars, conferences, trainings and other events jointly with Ukrainian National Bar Association;

- professional development of advocates according in the field of insolvency;

- interaction with regional bodies of Bar self-government on issues of insolvency;

- establishment and development of cooperation with international insolvency organizations.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Oleksandr Donchenko

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Lyubov Lukashuk

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Vasyl Derlyuk

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Yuriy Grygorenko


Committee Board Membership

Oleksandr Bondarchuk

Serhiy Grabovan

Oksana Gonta 

Volodymyr Gurtovy

Denys Lykhopok

Kostyantyn Smolov

Andriy Spector 

Denis Tkachenko

Oleksandr Chepelyuk

Акордеон: The Construction Law Committee

The Construction Law Committee is a permanent collegial advisory body established at Ukrainian National Bar Association in accordance with the order of the UNBA/BCU President dated November 12, 2019 No. 181.

The purpose of the Committee is to establish cooperation between the legal community and state bodies in order to develop unified approaches and positions on theoretical and practical issues in the field of construction law, which will contribute to the creation of conditions and mechanisms ensuring rights and interests of all stakeholders in construction relations.

Committee objectives:

- promoting the development of priority areas of construction law;

- preparation of proposals for improving construction legislation and bringing it in line with generally recognized principles and norms of international law;

- study and analysis of the foreign legislation, the practice of its application and submission of proposals for discussion by the Bar Council of Ukraine regarding the improvement of national construction legislation;

- creation and participation in research projects in the field of construction law with the aim of improving construction legislation;

- conducting events aimed at improving the qualifications of advocates in the field of construction law (forums, round tables, etc. on topical issues of construction law);

 - provision of professional legal assistance in the field of construction law;

- implementation of other activities aimed at the development of the legal profession in Ukraine.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Oleg Povaliaiev

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Oleg Kurchyn

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Ihor Andreev


Committee Board Membership

Tetiana Batius

Oleg Garnyk

Nadiia Hnizdovska 

Roman Kolot 

Anna Paienok 

Pavlo Povaliaiev 

Maryna Rybkina

Irena Feingold

Inna Yaremova

Акордеон: The Committee on Interaction with Civil Society

The Committee on Interaction with Civil Society is a permanent collegial advisory body established at the Ukrainian National Bar Association in accordance with the decision of the Bar Council of Ukraine No. 83 of June 27, 2019.

The purpose of the Committee is to improve the cooperation of UNBA, non-governmental organizations, socially responsible business and the donor community, and to promote the authority of the legal profession at the national and local levels.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Vitaliy Misiats

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Andrii Misyats


Committee Board Membership

Volodymyr Vynogradov 

Tukhan Ediev 

Vitaly Yelov 

Maksym Ilchishen

Oleh Lepetyuk

Ruslana Slobodyanuk

Oleg Poperetsky 

Акордеон: The Committee on Military Law

The Committee on Military Law was established in accordance with the decision of the Bar Council of Ukraine No. 175 dated October 25, 2014, with the aim of coordinating the actions of advocates providing qualified legal assistance to servicemen engaged in the Anti-Terrorist Operation, their family members and displaced persons, as well as the organization and consolidation of the legal community for the protection of rights and legitimate interests of such persons.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Maria Ostrovska

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Nadia Ivashkova

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Nataliia Feshchik


Committee Membership

Nadia Ivashkova

Hanna Ishchenko

Ilya Kostin 

Vladyslav Rokytskyi

Maxim Sychenko

Nataliya Feshchik 

Акордеон: The Gender Policy Committee

The Gender Policy Committee is a permanent collegial advisory body established at the Ukrainian National Bar Association in accordance with Order No. 20 of March 7, 2019.

Committee objectives:

– promoting equal rights and opportunities for women and men in all spheres of life;

– improving awareness of gender issues and raising the level of gender sensitivity among current and prospective advocates;

– studying the problem gender discrimination, implementation of foreign experience and best domestic practices to achieve equality of rights and opportunities for women and men in the legal profession, taking into account modern realities, as well as countering negative phenomena in this area;

– ensuring active influence of UNBA onto the processes of practical implementation of the ideas of gender equality and cooperation with all interested stakeholders, participation in the development, expert and public discussions of draft laws and by-laws, as well as programmatic documents;

– conducting motivational meetings and other events aimed at the approval and implementation of the ideas of gender equality and non-discrimination;

– encouraging focus on gender policy issues among prospective advocates, in particular through the implementation of mentorship programs;

– development of organizational mechanisms for promoting the principles of gender equality;

– implementation of gender approaches in their activities and consideration of the gender aspect in relevant regulatory documents;

– ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men in employment, career growth, education and professional development.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Anatoly Telman

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Tetyana Andrianova

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Olga Poiedynok

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Yuriy Grygorenko

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Valeriya Dolhoyer


Committee Board Membership

Victoria Polishchuk 

Tatiana Rabko

Olga Shcherbakova 


Committee Advisors

Khrystyna Kit

Акордеон: The Committee on Expert Support of Legal Practice

The Committee on Expert Support of Legal Practice was created in accordance with the decision of the Bar Council of Ukraine No. 102 of September 25, 2015. The Committee is a permanent collegial advisory body.

The purpose of the Committee is to provide informational and methodological assistance to advocates for the purpose of their use of expert support in all types of legal practice.

Committee Objectives

– preparation and provision of recommendations (practical assistance) to advocates when appointing forensic examinations and expert studies for the purpose of protecting the rights and interests of citizens, legal entities and the state;

– preparation and provision of recommendations for the purpose of analyzing conclusions of examinations and expert studies to determine their most effective application in the professional activity of advocate;

– preparation and provision of recommendations (practical assistance), etc.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Violetta Fedchyshina

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Yuriy Grygorenko

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Pavlo Repeshko


Committee Board Membership:

Oleg Granatiuk

Акордеон: The Committee on Electronic Litigation and Cybersecurity of Legal Practice

The Committee on Electronic Litigation and Cybersecurity of Legal Practice is a permanent collegial advisory body established at the Ukrainian National Bar Association in accordance with Decision of the BCU No. 52 dated April 12, 2019.

The purpose of the Committee is to study the practice of implementing cybersecurity and information protection methods used by advocates when providing legal assistance (ensuring cyber security of legal practice).

Committee objectives:

- raising the qualifications of advocates in the field of cybersecurity of professional activities: the use of information technologies, telecommunications systems, electronic justice systems and the exchange of documents between litigation parties;

- organization and holding of seminars, round tables on modern methods of research, protection and preservation of digital information and evidence;

- analysis of issues related to the use of digital technologies by advocates in their professional activities;

- generalization of information regarding the collection of electronic evidence;

- cooperation with specialized higher educational institutions for the purpose of joint participation in scientific, research, grant programs and projects aimed at the development of IT law;

- interaction with authorities, local self-government bodies, courts, international institutions and with legal entities and natural persons, specialized legal institutions, organizations regarding the preparation of proposals on cybersecurity and protection of legal practice.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Maksym Soroka

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Ihor Kolesnikov


Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Tatiana Rabko


Committee Board Membership

Olga Golovina 

Oleksandr Lytvynchuk

Oleksandr Panchenko

Olena Radtke

Serhii Sydorenko

Artur Simeyko 

Oleg Titov

Anatoly Khudyakov 

Natalia Shvets


Committee Experts

Serhiy Mykhailovych Denysenko

Акордеон: The Committee on Prevention of Administrative Offenses Committed against Advocates

The Committee on Prevention of Administrative Offenses Committed against Advocates is a permanent advisory collegial body established at the Ukrainian National Bar Association in accordance with the order of the President of UNBA/BCU No. 113 dated July 1, 2024.

The purpose of the Committee is to determine the legal and organizational basis of the functioning of the monitoring system for the prevention of administrative offenses committed against advocates; development and implementation of preventive mechanisms against administrative offenses committed against advocates.

Committee objectives:

- monitoring and analysis of actions aimed at preventing administrative offenses committed against advocates;

- research, summarization of facts that caused administrative offenses against advocates. Coverage of the said activity at UNBA website;

- conducting forums and conferences: organization of regular events for discussing issues of prevention of administrative offenses committed against advocates.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Serhii Osyka

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Maxim Bakharev

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Ilya Lishnevsky


Акордеон: The Committee on Protection of Human Rights

The Committee on Protection of Human Rights is a permanent advisory collegial body established at the Ukrainian National Bar Association in accordance with the order of the President of UNBA/BCU No. 20 dated March 3, 2015.

The purpose of the Committee is the analysis and generalization of practice in the field of protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, the study and application of methods of human rights activity in countries with a high level of protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, etc.

The Committee objectives:

- preparation of the Committee's proposals for improving human rights protection mechanisms;

- preparation of proposals to improve legislation on human rights and bring it into line with generally recognized principles and norms of international law;

- identification, recording, analysis and systematization of cases of human rights and freedoms violation that occurred on the territory of Ukraine;

- implementation of preventive work aimed at preventing violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms;

- creation and systematic improvement of recommendations regarding the defender's response to violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms;

- study and application of methods of human rights protection activities in countries with a high level of protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens;

- carrying out explanatory work among the population regarding the methods and practice of independent protection of one's rights and freedoms;

- analysis of law enforcement compliance during investigative actions against a person (client);

- raising the level of awareness of advocates regarding the mechanisms of human rights protection;

- on behalf of the UNBA/BCU President consider appeals within the limits of authority.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Anna Kolesnyk

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Tetyana Gnatiuk

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Serhiy Starenkyi

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Mykola Terekhov


Committee Board Membership

Dmytro Buzanov

Kateryna Voytenko

Olena Haidai

Roman Gaidai 

Darya Grechko

Bohdan Hliadyk

Oksana Guz

Iryna Dimura 

Nataliya Dubenkova

Oleksandr Koryukin

Serhii Kostyra

Anna Kruglyakova 

Pavlo Makarenko

Iryna Malitska 

Olga Novikova 

Oleg Povalyaev 

Olena Redchyts

Vadim Rykov 

Ihor Svetlichnyi

Iryna Smirnova 

Myroslava Soroka 

Susanna Tirzikyan

Lesya Toporina

Ihor Fomin

Mykhailo Yashchenko 



in the Vinnytsia region - Oksana Polotnyanko

in the Dnipropetrovsk region - Serhiy Lysak

in the Rivne region - Olha Karpets


Andriy Ivanov


Nataliya Doroshenko

Акордеон: The Committee for the Protection of Rights of Persons with Disabilities

The Committee for the Protection of Rights of Persons with Disabilities is a permanent collegial advisory body established at the Ukrainian National Bar Association in accordance with the order of the President of UNBA/BCU dated February 6, 2020 No. 31.

The purpose of the Committee is consolidation of advocates and exchange of experience in providing legal assistance to persons with disabilities, interaction with representatives of state and executive authorities, judicial and law enforcement regarding the legal position on the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of persons with disabilities, formation of an expert position in solving practical problems and providing proposals for bringing national legislation on the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities into compliance with international legislation and creating a barrier-free space.

The Committee objectives are:

- ensuring the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of persons with disabilities;

- assistance in ensuring equal rights and opportunities for persons with disabilities;

- educational activity on issues of protection of the rights of persons with disabilities;

- interaction and coordination of work on the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities with structural divisions that provide free legal assistance to such persons;

- identifying current problems and conducting research on the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities;

- providing information on news, trends and issues related to the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities;

- development, preparation, distribution of analytical and/or methodical materials for advocates on issues of protection of the rights of persons with disabilities;

- collection, generalization and analysis of international and domestic law enforcement and judicial practices on issues of protection of the rights of persons with disabilities;

- development of draft legal acts and/or preparation of proposals to improve the legislation on the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities and bringing it into line with the norms of international law;

- interaction with legislative, executive and judicial powers, international organizations, public associations and other subjects regardless of the forms of ownership and subordination in order to resolve socially important issues related to the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of persons with disabilities;

- preparation and/or participation in the organization and/or holding of seminars, round tables, conferences, trainings, webinars and other events organized by the Ukrainian National Bar Association and related to the activities of the committee;

- cooperation with specialized institutions of higher education for the purpose of joint participation in scientific, research programs and projects aimed at the development of the system of legal defense and protection of the rights of persons with disabilities;

- interaction with regional Bar self-government on issues within the Committee competence.


Committee leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Oleksandr Vozniuk

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Svitlana Bryntseva

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Bohdan Kondratenko

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Vadim Sydorenko


Committee Board Membership

Mykola Bovshyk

Svitlana Bryntseva

Vitaly Zhukovsky

Ihor Korzhuk

Ivanna Kostrakevich 

Yulia Orlova

Oleg Romanyshyn

Svitlana Chopivska

Акордеон: The Committee on the Integration of the Bar of Ukraine into the EU

The Committee on the Integration of the Bar of Ukraine into the EU is a permanent collegial advisory body established under the Ukrainian National Bar Association. 

The purpose of the Committee is the implementation of European legal standards into Ukraine's legal practice, expediting European integration, and cooperation with European institutions on matters related to the development of the Bar, the establishment of the rule of law, and the protection of human rights in Ukraine, as well as supporting Ukrainian advocates in their professional development and improving their qualifications both in Ukraine and abroad.

The Committee objectives are:

- promoting the professional development of the Ukrainian legal profession in accordance with European standards, in particular, by organizing and conducting educational and scientific-practical events, including seminars, trainings, forums, conferences, round tables, etc., both in Ukraine and abroad within its borders, including with the assistance and participation of international organizations;

- assistance in establishing and maintaining business relations with international organizations, in particular, the Council of Europe, their bodies, including the European Court of Human Rights, the Venice Commission, with the aim of achieving compliance of the Ukrainian Bar with the European standards, as well as ensuring the development of legal practice in Ukraine;

- submission of proposals to UNBA/BCU President regarding the expediency of participation of UNBA representatives in international educational and scientific events, regarding the joint events with the participation of international organizations and their bodies in order to ensure the development of the Ukrainian Bar;

- raising awareness of advocates regarding the mechanisms of human rights protection in international legal practice and application of law, in particular, the European Court of Human Rights by organizing educational and scientific events for advocates of Ukraine;

- organization of the development, printing and publishing explanatory and analytical materials, including methodological recommendations, memos, other explanations and materials, etc., on current legal issues of the development of the protection of human rights and legitimate interests in the practice of European institutions;

- participation in the preparation of proposals for improving the legislation on ensuring the realization of human rights and bringing it into line with the generally recognized principles and norms of international law;

- other tasks arising from the purpose the Committee.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Oleksandr Dulskyi

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Maria Ostrovska


Committee Board Membership

Natalia Belous

Yuriy Grygorenko  

Hanna Ishchenko

Diana Nazarenko

Liudmyla Ostrovska 

Taras Savchenko

Oleksiy Yushchenko

Акордеон: The Intellectual Property Committee

The Intellectual Property Committee is a permanent collegial advisory body established at the Ukrainian National Bar Association in accordance with the order of the UNBA/BCU President dated September 3, 2020 No. 110.

The purpose of the Committee is to promote the development of the system of legal protection of intellectual property rights and satisfy the professional needs of advocates in this field.

Committee objectives:

- to identify actual problems in the field of intellectual property and contribute to their resolution;

- to develop proposals and comments on current legislation in the field of intellectual property;

- to participate in the organization of seminars, round tables, conferences, trainings and other events of UNBA;

- to establish international cooperation with international professional organizations in the field of intellectual property;

- to cooperate with institutions of higher education for the purpose of joint participation in scientific, research, grant programs and projects aimed at the development of the system of legal protection of intellectual property rights;

- to cooperate with public associations in order to prepare proposals for solving socially important issues related to the protection of intellectual property.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Sergiy Barbashyn

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Dmytro Kocherga


Committee Board Membership

Pylyp Bilytskyi

Iryna Horodetska 

Maria Koval

Tetyana Lifer 

Anna Prokhorova

Акордеон: The Corporate Law Committee

The Corporate Law Committee is a permanent advisory collegial body established at the Ukrainian National Bar Association in accordance with the order of the UNBA/BCU President No. 197 dated December 15, 2023.

The purpose of the Committee's activity is to participate in the preparation of proposals for legislative acts in the field of corporate law and corporate governance, relevant by-laws, as well as to participate in the formation of practice in the specified area.

The tasks of the Committee are:

- provision of proposals and comments to the subjects of the legislative initiative and subjects authorized to adopt by-laws;

- analysis and generalization of law enforcement practice in the field of corporate law, corporate management;

- conducting events (conferences, round tables, seminars, etc.) on legal issues and issues of corporate law.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Maria Orlyk


Committee Board Membership

Denis Dutchak

Oleksandra Polishchuk

Saad Shadi Muhammad

Nadiya Tarasova

Акордеон: The Media and Advertising Law Committee

The Media and Advertising Law Committee is a permanent collegial advisory body established at the Ukrainian National Bar Association in accordance with the order of the UNBA/BCU President No. 49 dated April 14, 2020.

The purpose of the Committee is to consolidate the efforts of the legal community for active participation in legislative drafting, implementation of European standards in the field of freedom of speech into modern judicial practice, the exchange of experience and development of best practices for interaction with journalists and mass media, as well as the development of advertising law.

The Committee objectives are:

 - definition and scientific substantiation of the priority areas of development of Ukrainian legislation in the field of media and advertising;

- conducting thematic events aimed at discussing existing practical problems in the field of media and advertising law, developing recommendations for their solution, as well as improving the qualifications of advocates, such as forums, round tables, conferences, etc.;

- development of educational materials on media and advertising law (manuals, scientific articles, etc.);

- study and analysis of the existing legislation of foreign countries, the practice of its application and submission of proposals for discussion by the Bar Council of Ukraine regarding the improvement of Ukrainian legislation taking into account such practice;

- analysis of draft laws, development of proposals for making appropriate changes to them;

- participation in research projects in the field of media and advertising for further improvement of Ukrainian legislation and judicial practice;

- conducting educational work among citizens (in the form of round tables, conferences, etc.) regarding the methods and practice of independent protection of one's rights in the field of media and advertising;

- increasing the professionalism and professional knowledge of advocates specializing in media and advertising law;

- implementation of other activities aimed at the development of the Bar of Ukraine.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Lyudmila Opryshko

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Olga Demidova


Members of the Board of the Committee

Maryna Kyptila

Tetyana Levchuk

Tetyana Oleksiiuk 

Olena Patsurkovska

Alina Pravdychenko

Lyudmila Royuk

Акордеон: The Committee for Tax and Customs Law

The Committee for Tax and Customs Law is a permanent collegial advisory body established at the Ukrainian National Bar Association in accordance with the decision of the Bar Council of Ukraine No. 51 dated 12.04.2019.

The purpose of the Committee is to ensure the protection of tax rights and interests of advocates, to ensure the uniformity of customs and tax legislation and practice, exchange of experience, introduce uniform principles of application of tax and customs legislation.

Committee objectives:

- development and/or analysis of draft legal acts in the field of tax and customs, additions to current legal acts aimed at improving the protection of the rights of customs and tax legal relations stakeholders;

- interaction with legislative, executive and judicial authorities in matters of protection of customs and tax rights of advocates and their clients;

- implementation of measures regarding the application of customs and tax legislation;

- ensuring supervision over the uniformity of the practice of applying customs and tax regulations;

- analysis of current issues regarding the legal relationship of taxpayers with tax authorities;

- development of methodical and analytical materials for advocates practicing in the field of customs and tax law;

- international cooperation in the field of tax and customs law.


Committee leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Yakiv Voronin

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Dmytro Yurovsky

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Hanna Leus


Committee Board Membership

Victoria Bublichenko

Iryna Narayevska 

Serhii Pedak 

Eduard Savosh

Artem Tkachenko 

Semen Khanin

Акордеон: The Continuing Legal Education Committee

The Continuing Legal Education Committee is a permanent collegial advisory body established at the Ukrainian National Bar Association in accordance with the decision of the Bar Council of Ukraine dated June 1, 2018 No. 69.

The purpose of the Committee is to identify, analyze and take into account the needs of advocates (assistants, trainees) in the fulfillment of the legally defined obligation to raise their professional level, as well as to draft policy formation proposals on continuing legal education, directions for its implementation, etc.

Committee objectives:

- development of mechanisms for ensuring the implementation of the Procedure for improving the qualifications of lawyers;

- monitoring and generalization of the practice of application of the Procedure for improving the qualifications of lawyers;

- development of a proposal for improvement of the Procedure for improving the qualifications of lawyers;

- organization of measures to improve the qualifications of lawyers depending on the needs of lawyers by topic and in different formats;

- coordination of the activities of the Committee with the councils of advocates of the regions, qualification and disciplinary commissions of the regions, the Higher Qualification and Disciplinary Commission of Advocacy, the Higher School of Advocacy of the NAAU, committees of the NAAU and other bodies of the self-government of the bar, institutions and organizations that have the right to conduct measures to improve the qualifications of lawyers;

- development of training programs aimed at improving the qualifications of lawyers;

- the involvement of NAAU experts in the conduct of events to improve the qualifications of lawyers, checking the compliance of the expert and the event conducted by him with the requirements established by the Procedure for the improvement of the qualifications of lawyers of Ukraine;

- implementation of monitoring of qualification improvement by lawyers of Ukraine;

- establishment of international cooperation with institutions in professional self-governing bodies of the bar;

- involvement of international organizations and international experts in the activities of the Committee.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Olena Sibiliova

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Tetyana Postrygan


Committee Board Membership

Oleksiy Bilenko 

Kateryna Hupalo 

Nataliia Zhmailo 

Nataliia Zamedyanska

Maksym Ovsiannik

Olena Pomazanovska

Lyudmila Semenenko

Акордеон: The Committee for Legal Regulation of Local Self-Government Bodies

The Committee for Legal Regulation of Local Self-Government Bodies is a permanent collegial advisory body established at the Ukrainian National Bar Association in accordance with the order of the UNBA/BCU President No. 202 of December 24, 2021.

The purpose of the Committee is to promote the improvement of legislation and the formation of a unified practice in the field of local self-government regulation. Ensuring effective representation and protection of the rights and legitimate interests of persons who need the services of municipalities and members of local councils. Increasing the practical experience of advocates in the field of municipal law and generalization of court practice in disputes related to the disposal and management of communal property, etc.

Committee objectives:

- preparation of proposals and comments to the subjects of the legislative initiative and subjects authorized to adopt by-laws relating to the interests of local self-government;

- analysis and generalization of law enforcement practice in the field of local self-government;

- organization and holding of events (conferences, round tables, seminars, etc.) regarding legal issues and practical implementation of local self-government powers;

- formation and conducting of courses at the Higher Academy of Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences on the organization of local self-government and management of communal property;

- preparation of methodological recommendations (practical manuals) for lawyers in the field and directions of the Committee's activities.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Vera Kozina

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Anastasia Serbina

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Serhiy Shevel


Committee Board Membership

Marina Kovtun 

Olga Lebedynska 

Regina Kharchenko

Svitlana Shchelkunova-Goncharska 

Акордеон: The Committee for Strategic Development and Setting Priority Objectives

The Committee for Strategic Development and Setting Priority Objectives is a permanent advisory collegial body established at the Ukrainian National Bar Association in accordance with the decision of the Bar Council of Ukraine dated October 25, 2014 No. 174.

The purpose of the Committee is to promote the professional development of advocates, to present the priority areas of activity of the unified professional organization of Ukrainian advocates and to increase the institutional role of the Bar in Ukrainian and international societies.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Vadim Krasnyk


Committee Membership

Oleksandr Gotin

Ivan Grechkivskyi

Oleksandr Dulskyi

Anna Kolesnyk

Ihor Kolesnikov

Iryna Senyuta 

Yevhen Solodko

Maryna Stavniychuk

Violetta Fedchyshina 

Oleksiy Yushchenko

Акордеон: The Transport Law Committee

The Transport Law Committee is a permanent collegial advisory body established at the Ukrainian National Bar Association by order of the UNBA/BCU President No. 36 of February 12, 2020.

The purpose of the Committee is to promote the development of transport law in accordance with the National Transport Strategy of Ukraine, to prepare an analytical and theoretical base and strategic planning, to ensure effective protection of the rights of subjects of the transport industry.

Committee objectives:

- preparation of proposals for improving the legislation regulating transport legal relations, bringing it into line with international law;

- analysis of draft laws related to the field of transport law, participation in working groups;

- study, analysis and generalization of international and national transport law, its application in Ukraine and abroad;

- formation of consolidated positions of the legal community regarding current law-making issues;

- study of the foreign work experience of lawyers in the field of international transport law;

- cooperation with specialized higher educational institutions for the purpose of joint participation in scientific, research and other programs and projects aimed at the development of international transport law;

- interaction with authorities, local self-government, courts, international institutions for the purpose of developing transport law;

- participation in public discussions of draft legal acts affecting the transport industry directly or indirectly.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Andriy Lukyanenko


Committee Board Membership

Vitaly Glushpenko 

Bohdan Ignatyo

Yuriy Korsun 

Serhii Kozyrev 

Yurii Prokhorov

Акордеон: The Labor Law Committee

The Labor Law Committee is a permanent collegial advisory body established at the Ukrainian National Bar Association by order of the UNBA/BCU President No. 50 of April 14, 2020.

The purpose of the Committee is to promote the development of labor law, increase awareness and culture of labor law among lawyers, ensure effective protection of the rights of subjects of labor relations, deepen the practical experience of lawyers by creating strategies for judicial and extrajudicial protection of the rights and interests of participants in labor relations.

Committee objectives:

- conducting webinars, seminars, round tables, conferences and other events on current issues of labor law;

- conducting and participating in scientific and practical events in the field of the Committee's activities;

- participation in the organization and conduct of events in the field of labor law together with the UNBA Higher School of Advocacy;

- preparation of methodological recommendations for advocates in the field of labor law, digests of judicial practice on current issues of labor law, consolidated legal positions of the Supreme Court and decisions of the ECtHR;

- study of the foreign experience of lawyers in the field of labor law, cooperation with advocates from abroad specializing in labor matters;

- cooperation with specialized higher educational institutions for the purpose of joint participation in scientific, research and other programs and projects aimed at the development of labor law;

- cooperation with public associations in order to prepare proposals for solving important issues related to ensuring rights in the field of labor law, for their further consideration by authorities in their work;

- research of modern trends in the development of personnel policy in the world and in Ukraine and holding events on the specified subject.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Viktoriia Polishchuk

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Kateryna Tsvetkova


Committee Board Membership

Alla Andrushko 

Iryna Vasylyk 

Oksana Zaitseva

Lyudmila Zvereva

Nataliia Kaida 

Hanna Lysenko

Tetyana Matova

Nataliya Matviychuk

Yaroslav Melnyk 

Dmytro Navrotskyi

Maksym Panchenko

Dmytro Sirokha

Ivan Yatskevich

Акордеон: The Civil Law and Procedure Committee

The Civil Law and Procedure Committee is a permanent collegial advisory body established at the Ukrainian National Bar Association in accordance with the order of the UNBA/BCU President dated August 28, 2019 No. 108.

The purpose of the Committee is improvement of civil law institutions (in particular, property, obligation and inheritance) and expanding the experience of advocates by conducting training events, professional discussions on practical issues of judicial and extrajudicial protection of the rights and interests of participants in civil legal relations.

The Committee objectives are:

- collection and generalization of law enforcement practice in the fields of civil law and procedure (digests of judicial practice, consolidated legal positions of the Supreme Court and decisions of the ECtHR);

- participation in the development of draft regulatory legal acts in the field of civil law, providing proposals for improving national civil substantial and procedural legislation;

- organization and holding of workshops, seminars, forums, trainings and other events of UNBA;

- preparation of analytical and methodical materials for advocates;

- interaction with regional bodies of Bar self-government on issues within their competence.


The following dedicated sections operate under the Committee:

1. Property law section.

2. Obligation law section.

3. Inheritance law section (presided by - Oleksiy Motyliuk).

4. Civil procedure section.

5. Business reputation section (presided by - Yuriy Demchenko).


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Oleg Prostibozhenko

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Yuriy Demchenko

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Valeriya Shkvarko


Committee Board Membership

Yulia Berezenska

Platon Danylenko

Viktoriya Kucheryavenko

Anna Lyashenko

Maria Motylyuk

Oleksiy Motylyuk

Anastasia Prysiazhniuk 

Daryna Redka 

Viktoriya Sanduleeva

Armenui Telestakova

Maryna Tsymbal 

Dmytro Shcheglov

Anastasia Yakimova 


Committee Advisors

Oleksandr Evgenovich Kukharev

Акордеон: The Committee on Digitalization of the Bar

The Committee on Digitalization of the Bar is a permanent advisory collegial body established at the Ukrainian National Bar Association of Ukraine in accordance with the order of the UNBA/BCU President No. 46 dated March 6, 2024.

The purpose of the Committee is to improve the internal processes of the association and digitalize activities within the profession, its regulation, organization and execution, as well as monitoring of the latest digital tools used by advocates, hosting events aimed at research, study and implementation of the latest tools into daily practice, in particular information technologies.

The Committee objectives are:

- creation of databases and management systems for efficient record keeping at UNBA;

- creation of a digital document exchange system;

- integration of services with the Unified Register of Advocates of Ukraine;

- monitoring and analysis of digital tools;

- development and support of the online register of digital services for advocates;

- creation of a system of ratings and reviews of digital resources;

- conducting forums and conferences;

- development and implementation of digital solutions for automation of UNBA internal processes;

- organization of training programs on digital literacy for advocates;

- cooperation with IT companies and developers to create specialized solutions for advocates;

- analysis of the possibilities of introducing artificial intelligence and other new technologies in legal practice;

- integration of the legal community into well-known information technology platforms that precede the optimization of legal practice.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Andrii Prykhodko

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Lilia Mamedova

Акордеон: The Committee for Legal Education and Science

The Committee for Legal Education and Science is a permanent collegial advisory body established upon reorganization of the Committee on Legal Education in accordance with the order of the UNBA/BCU President dated March 31, 2021 No. 61.

The purpose of creating the Committee: improving the quality of legal aid in Ukraine through the development of Ukrainian legal education and science in accordance with generally accepted international standards.

Committee objectives:

- assistance in raising the level of professional competence of prospective advocates at the stage of obtaining a higher legal education;

- participation in the improvement of standards of legal education and accreditation of law schools, as well as in the preparation of methods, methodological recommendations and training programs of specialized educational institutions, faculties and departments;

- ensuring the UNBA's active influence on the processes of reforming legal education and science in Ukraine and cooperation with all interested participants, in particular, participation in the development, expert and public discussion of draft laws and by-laws, as well as position papers;

- multidisciplinary cooperation with institutions of higher education and science, in particular, the creation and implementation of joint programs for prospective and new advocates, development of joint projects with the aim of providing high-quality scientific support for legal practice;

- assistance in practice for law students and assistance in the creation and operation of student legal clinics;

- encouraging and supporting the opening of specializations and the implementation of courses dedicated to the in-depth study of the law, as well as conducting scientific research in the field of law;

- enabling participation of advocates in teaching and science, in particular, promotion of participation in scientific conferences, publications, etc.;

- promoting academic integrity in all aspects and at all stages of legal education;

- study of foreign experience and international standards of legal training;

- promoting the popularization of the legal profession among law students, holding professional orientation and motivational meetings for this purpose;

- informing specialists and the public about new trends, development problems and news in the field of legal education and science in Ukraine;

- conducting scientific events, including with the involvement of advocate-scientists and practitioners, in order to popularize legal science among representatives of the legal profession and the public.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Larisa Arkusha

Committee Board Membership

Vladlena Voloshyna 

Viktor Zavtur 

Oleksiy Svida 

Antonina Slavitska 

Oleksandr Torbas

Dmytro Tsekhan

Акордеон: The Committee on Legislative Initiatives regarding Legal Practice

The Committee on Legislative Initiatives regarding Legal Practice is a consulting and advisory body established at the Ukrainian National Bar Association in accordance with the decision of the Bar Council of Ukraine No. 231 dated 27 Sept. 2013.

The purpose of the Committee is the systematization and improvement of the current legislation of Ukraine, the implementation of international standards of advocacy into the legislation of Ukraine.

The Committee objectives are:

- determination of priority directions for the development of Ukrainian legislation on the Bar and legal practice;

- development of drafts, legislative acts, which are directly or indirectly related to legal practice;

- preparation of conclusions and proposals to draft laws in the field of the Bar and legal practice;

- cooperation with committees, commissions, working groups of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, ensuring interaction with state bodies in the sphere of rule-making on issues related to the activities of the Committee.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Oleksiy Yushchenko

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Tetyana Markova

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Maria Chernukha

Committee Board Membership

Oleksandr Veselov

Serhiy Vilkov

Yevhen Zayets

Artem Zakharov

Ruslan Kundrik

Mariia Ostrovska

Ihor Pechenkin

Taras Samborskyi

Vyacheslav Samsonenko

Olena Sibiliova

Ihor Slivinskyi

Artem Solovyov 

Anatoly Fesenko

Yury Filatov 

Mykola Yakymenko


Committee Experts

Serhii Vavzhenchuk

Valentyn Gvozdiy  

Oleksii Gorokh

Oleksandr Dulskyi

Yehor Zelenyak

Marianna Koblyk 

Anna Kolesnyk 

Oleksii Kukhar

Oleksandr Martynovskyi

Vasyl Raiko 

Yevhen Solodko

Nataliya Feshchik 


Committee Advisors

Denis Vanash

Angela Bunina

Olena Lyashenko

Ruslana Tsaryk

Акордеон: The UNBA Committee on Protection of Advocates’ Professional Rights and Guarantees

The UNBA Committee on Protection of Advocates’ Professional Rights and Guarantees is a permanent collegial advisory body established at the Ukrainian National Bar Association in accordance with the decision of the Bar Council of Ukraine dated February 16, 2013 No. 74.

The purpose of the Committee is to protect the professional and other rights of advocates, to help ensure the guarantees of legal practice and the provide necessary conditions for the efficient and high-quality exercise of professional duties by advocates.

The Committee objectives are:

- detection, recording, analysis and systematization of cases of violation of the professional rights and interests of cases, as well as violations of the guarantees of legal practice, which occurred in Ukraine;

- implementation of preventive work, aimed at preventing violations of the rights and interests of advocates, as well as violations of the guarantees of legal practice;

- creation and systematic improvement of the necessary measures of operational response in case of violation of legal rights and interests of advocate, as well as guarantees of legal practice;

- prompt response to every appeal of advocates, which concerns the activity of the Committee;

- taking measures in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine on behalf of the Bar Council of Ukraine to eliminate violations of professional rights and guarantees of legal practice by state and local self-government bodies and other authorities; making a proposal to eliminate identified violations and deficiencies and bring to justice officials guilty of committed violations;

- informing the legal community and the public about the consideration of issues within the competence of the Committee;

- studying the opinion of the legal community regarding the state of observance of the rights of advocates and ensuring the guarantees of legal practice, taking it into account in their work;

- analysis of law enforcement compliance during investigative actions against an advocate;

- control, analysis and forecasting of the state of affairs regarding the violation of the professional rights of advocates in Ukraine, timely informing the Bar Council of Ukraine;

- participation in the review and preparation of the Committee's proposals for improving the organization of information protection, which constitutes state, legal, commercial, banking or other privilege protected by law, as well as confidential information;

- participation in the development and implementation of a system of measures, which are carried out in cooperation with law enforcement agencies, to protect the life, health, honor, dignity, property of advocates and their family members from criminal encroachments and other illegal actions;

- organizing the hotline of the Bar Council of Ukraine, ensuring prompt processing of incoming information, as well as taking the necessary measures to respond to violations of advocates’ rights;

- for the purpose of generalizing the practice of regional Bar councils regarding the preparation of protocols on administrative offenses, provided for in Art. 212-3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine, and ensuring the uniform application of legal norms that regulate responsibility for wrongful refusal to provide information at the request of advocate, untimely or incomplete provision of information, provision of information that does not correspond to reality, analyzes statistical information regarding the drafting of protocols by authorized persons of the regional Bar Councils on administrative offenses, decisions on refusal to draw up protocols on administrative offenses, court rulings adopted as a result of consideration of protocols on administrative offenses, provided for in Art. 212-3 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses.

To implement the tasks assigned thereto, the Committee has the right to:

- to achieve its goal and fulfill its tasks in any form not prohibited by the Constitution of Ukraine, legislative acts of Ukraine, the Rules of Professional Conduct, this Order, as well as provisions, regulations and other internal documents of the UNBA/BCU;

- in agreement with the UNBA leadership, petition any state authorities, institutions, enterprises, organizations of all forms of ownership, legal entities and individuals, submit statements, submissions, petitions, complaints, proposals and other appeals in order to respond appropriately to violations of professional rights and guarantees of advocates, as well as prevent of such violations;

- in agreement with the UNBA leadership, interact with state authorities, including Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the High Council of Justice, law enforcement agencies, the Prosecutor's Office and courts, international institutions, national and international public associations, and the mass-media in order to properly respond to violations of professional rights advocates and guarantees of legal practice, prevent such violations, restore violated rights by the perpetrators, organizations and institutions in any other forms not prohibited by law;

- to collect, analyze and generalize the practice of protection of professional rights and guarantees of legal practice;

- upon approval by the UNBA/BCU Head of Secretariat, the UNBA Committee Coordinator, the UNBA Communications department, to highlight the work of the Committee, as well as current issues in the field of protecting the professional rights of advocates in the mass-media;

- to fulfill the tasks assigned to the Committee in agreement, upon approval by the Head of UNBA Secretariat, the UNBA Committee Coordinator, the UNBA Communications department, taking into account the procedure provided for by the Regulation on UNBA Committees, to contact any state authorities, institutions, enterprises, international institutions, national and international public associations, organizations of all forms of ownership, legal entities and individuals, - to submit statements, submissions, petitions, complaints, proposals and other appeals with the aim of responding appropriately to violations of professional rights and guarantees of legal practice, as well as prevention of such violations;

- to receive from bodies, institutions, organizations of all forms of ownership advisory, methodical and other assistance necessary to achieve the purpose of the Committee;

- submit suggestions for improving the activities of the Committee for consideration by the BCU, the UNBA/BCU President.


The UNBA Committee on Protection of Advocates’ Professional Rights and Guarantees is always ready to help every advocate, but when applying to the Committee, please take into account the requirements that will make our cooperation more effective.

When presenting the appeal, please indicate exactly which professional rights or guarantees legal practice have been violated, by whom they were committed and how this is confirmed. At the same time, please take into account that the Committee is not able to receive procedural documents from the prosecution or from the party that harmed the advocate’s interests, and even more so, the Committee cannot replace the function of your legal defenders.

The expert team of the Committee has developed and uses in its work the following types of response to violations:

1) appeal to bodies and officials with a demand to eliminate violations of professional rights or guarantees of legal practice;

2) appeal to the authorized bodies with a statement about the crime committed against an advocate;

3) organization of advocate’s physical protection in case there is a threat to advocate’s life, health or property;

4) involvement of the best legal defenders in order to contest criminal charges against an advocate as a special subject to criminal or other type of responsibility, as the case may be;

5) provision of legal opinions regarding the circumstances outlined in the appeal and verified by the Committee's team;

6) provision of consultations and recommendations on the protection of rights and guarantees of legal practice, if necessary;

7) conducting round tables, scientific and practical conferences, press conferences and other events regarding systematic and/or gross violations of the rights and guarantees of legal practice;

8) appeal to international legal organizations and structures in cooperation with the UNBA International Relations Committee in the event that all national means have been exhausted;

9) interaction with specialized Committees of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in order to use means of parliamentary control to prevent violations of the professional rights of advocates, to initiate committee and parliamentary hearings on the facts of such violations.

All decisions on choosing a specific type of response are made at a meeting of the Committee's Board based on the results of the review of the application, which necessarily includes the reaction of the Regional Bar Council, to which the applicant must have applied beforehand, if the situation does not require urgent intervention.

Committee Hotline: +380 67692 4443


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Yevgen Solodko

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Serhii Dziubenko

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Ihor Kolesnikov

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Oleksandr Levadny

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Vitalii Serdyuk

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Volodymyr Yemelyanov

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Anna Lytvyn


Committee Board Membership

Artem Boyko 

Oleg Garnyk

Yevhen Gerasimenko

Taras Gudzera

Artem Zakharov

Olena Kalashnikova

Ruslan Kulshenko

Bohdan Kushnir 

Ihor Orlov 

Olga Panchenko

Evgeny Pelikhos 

Dmytro Pilipenko

Oleksandr Protas

Yaroslav Romanenko

Yuriy Sednev 

Dmytro Sorokin

Denis Cherednychenko

Oleg Yurchenko 

Yurii Yurchenko


Regional Representatives of the Committee

The Bar Council of Dnipropetrovsk Region

Yehor Zelenyak

Serhii Petriga

The Bar Council of Zaporizhia Region 

Volodymyr Zheltobryukhov 


The Bar Council of Kyiv region

Leonid Sivakov


The Bar Council of Khmelnytskyi Region 

Oksana Barilyuk 


The Bar Council of Cherkasy Region:

Oleksandr Tymchuk


Committee Membership

Pavlo Alifanov

Oleksandr Babikov

Oleg Babich

Volodymyr Bogatyr 

Halyna Boyko 

Halyna Boryak 

Sergey Vashtarev

Viktor Vovnyuk

Andriy Vozniuk

Artur Voloshyn

Mark Gerasimenko 

Oleg Golubnychy 

Mykhailo Goncharov

Oleksandr Horoshynskyi

Vyacheslav Zyoma 

Volodymyr Kvasha 

Oleksandr Kozakiewicz

Oleh Kosiak

Vadym Krasnyk

Oleksandr Levadny 

Hanna Leus

Denis Lysov

Oleksiy Logvinskyi

Maksym Mazur

Yevhen Miroshnikov

Serhii Naum

Andriy Nakhalov

Anton Ovchinnikov 

Artem Parshin

Oleksandr Perepelitsa 

Oleksandr Plavan 

Oleksandr Romanov

Pavlo Savchenko

Ihor Semerak

Oleksandr Sergienko

Oleksandr Soldatkin

Andrii Soronovich 

Maksym Strigun 

Serhii Tereshchuk

Artem Trekke

Ihor Fedorenko

Maria Hristova 

Artem Cherevko

Oleksandr Chernykh

Spartak Chernushych 

Serhiy Chornyi

Viktoriya Shalukhina

Yulia Shishka

Oleg Yurchenko 

Yurii Yurchenko

Акордеон: The UNBA Committee on Medical, Pharmaceutical Law and Bioethics

The UNBA Committee on Medical, Pharmaceutical Law and Bioethics of (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) is a permanent collegial advisory body established at the Ukrainian National Bar Association by the decision of the Bar Council of Ukraine No. 176 dated 05 Aug 2017.

The purpose of the Committee is to promote the development of medical and pharmaceutical law, the legal foundations of bioethics, public health law in the field of legal practice, the expansion of specialized practices, and the provision of effective protection of human rights in the field of healthcare.

 The Committee Objectives:

  • to develop draft legal acts in the field of health care, develops proposals thereto and current legislation aimed at optimizing the protection of human rights, and submit them for consideration by the BCU;
  • to collects, summarize and analyze the best practices of application and enforcement in the field of medical and pharmaceutical law;
  • to prepares analytical and methodical materials for advocates in the field of medical and pharmaceutical law, legal foundations of bioethics and public health law;
  • to participate in organizing and/or conducting seminars, conferences, trainings and other events of UNBA; 
  • to develop training programs aimed at improving the qualifications of advocates on specialized topics;
  • to establish international cooperation with institutions in professional self-governing bodies of the Bar;
  • to cooperate with specialized higher educational institutions for the purpose of joint participation in scientific, research, grant programs and projects aimed at the development of medical and pharmaceutical law, legal foundations of bioethics, public health law; 
  • to interact with the regional bodies of the self-government of the bar on issues that belong to its competence;
  • to interact with authorities, local self-government bodies, courts, international institutions, and legal and natural persons for the purpose of developing specialized areas and ensuring human rights; 
  • to cooperate with specialized legal clinics and medico-legal clinics to promote the provision of free legal assistance to the population in medical matters and the dissemination of practical knowledge among students;
  • to cooperate with public associations in order to prepare proposals for solving socially important issues related to the provision of human rights in the field of health care for their consideration by authorities in their work; to consider appeals within the limits of its authority;
  • to execute tasks in any form that is not prohibited by the Constitution of Ukraine, legislative acts of Ukraine, the Rules of Advocate Ethics, these Regulations, as well as BCU instruments;
  • to highlights its work, as well as current issues in the field of medical and pharmaceutical law, legal foundations of bioethics, public health law in mass media;
  • to approve recommendations or prepare proposals submitted for consideration by the UNBA/BCU President.

Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Iryna Senyuta

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Khrystyna Tereshko

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Viktoriia Valakh

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Nataliia Chornovus


Committee Board Members

Sergiy Antonov 

Valentyna Buglak

Oksana Vityaz 

Bohdan Volchko

Olga Danchenko

Dmytro Dyuzhev 

Oleksandr Kornaga

Roman Maydanik 

Oksana Miskiv 

Yulia Mykolaets 

Yuliya Savelova

Yulia Syzintsova 

Olexandra Fedko 

Zinaida Chuprina 

Evgeny Shkalenko 


Regional representatives of the Committee:

in Lviv Region - Iryna Bogomazova, 

in Odesa Region - Nataliya Markocheva, Valery Mukomol,

in Dnipropetrovsk region - Tetyana Matova, Valeriy Sigalo,

in Mykolayiv region - Oleksandr Prutyan, Andriy Sachenko,

in the City of Kyiv - Vadim Rykov, Olga Khatniuk,

in Kyiv region - Yana Babenko,

in Ivano-Frankivsk region - Tetyana Voytsekhovska,

in Rivne region - Mila Khmara,

in Zakarpattia region - Mark Paida,

in Sumy region - Larisa Chetvertak,

in Zaporizhia region - Olga Shevelyova.

Акордеон: The UNBA Committee on Humanitarian Issues and Creative Initiatives

The UNBA Committee on Humanitarian Issues and Creative Initiatives is a permanent collegial advisory body established at Ukrainian National Bar Association in accordance with Order of UNBA/BCU President No. 173 of November 7, 2019.


The purpose of the Committee is to promote the development of the humanitarian direction on issues related to the activities of UNBA, support creative and artistic initiatives of advocates and their popularization among the public.


Committee objectives:

- cooperation with advocates-artists regarding the initiation of cultural and artistic events in the legal community and civil society;

- cooperation with foreign/international organizations regarding joint humanitarian, cultural, educational and artistic projects;

- maintenance of business relations with cultural institutions, art, specialized ministries and departments, creative collectives;

- provision of proposals by UNBA regarding creative events with the involvement of advocates;

- encouraging young directors and screenwriters to write and shoot documentaries and feature films about the life and activities of Ukrainian advcoates;

- popularization of artistic works of advocates in the legal environment and society in general;

- organization of exhibitions of art works of modern advocates.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Natalia Plisa

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Pavlo Barantsev

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Nataliia Diadyk

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Marina Chernenka


Committee Board Membership

Tamila Aleksyk 

Svitlana Bohaichuk 

Vasyl Bogachuk

Iryna Vasylyk

Maryna Vitlina

Alya Wozniak 

Viktor Volodymyrsky 

Yulia Gazizova

Ivanna Golub 

Yuriy Romanyuk

Vladlen Silko 

Natalia Skalozub 

Oleksandr Chernykh


Experts of the Committee


Andrii Osipov 


Акордеон: The Committee on Professional Conduct

The Committee on Professional Conduct is a permanent collegial advisory body established at the Ukrainian National Bar Association through an open vote at the meeting of the Bar Council of Ukraine held on June 1, 2013.


The purpose of the Committee is to promote the implementation, compliance and improvement of the Rules of Professional Conduct.


Committee objectives:

- development of a mechanism for ensuring compliance with the Rules of Professional conduct;

- study, analysis and generalization of requirements set for certain professions and rules of conduct for various professional and social groups in Ukraine and abroad, preparation of recommendations regarding their consideration and implementation, application and improvement of the Rules of Professional Conduct;

- preparation of explanations for the Congress of Advocates of Ukraine or the Bar Council of  Ukraine regarding the Rules of Professional Conduct;

- implementation of monitoring and generalization of the practice of application of the Rules of Professional Conduct;

- development of proposals for improvement of the Rules of Professional Conduct;

- development of proposals for decisions, acts of the Bar Council of Ukraine, Congress of Advocates of Ukraine, the UNBA/BCU President, as well as legal acts on professional conduct of advocates;

- consideration of appeals within the limits of their powers;

- carrying out other activities within the scope of the powers defined by the Regulations on the UNBA Professional Conduct Committee.


Committee Leadership


Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Oleksiy Malovatskyi


Committee Membership


Serhiy Bedryga

Yehor Zelenyak

Oleksandra Lebedeva

Dmytro Mazurok

Diana Nazarenko

Vladyslav Opanasyk

Vasyl Podluzhny 

Asya Tarasova


Акордеон: The Legal Practice Committee

The Legal Practice Committee is a permanent collegial advisory body established at the Ukrainian National Bar Association by the decision of the Bar Council of Ukraine dated June 2, 2018 No. 101.


The purpose of the Committee is to promote the development of Bar self-governance, taking into account the suggestions, comments and additions of the members of the Bar Council of Ukraine, ensuring the high-quality, progressive, effective and sustainable development of the Bar of Ukraine, establishing the best modern standards in the profession.


Committee objectives are:

- preparation of practical recommendations for choosing a form of legal practice and building interaction with partners;

- providing recommendations on the development and implementation of strategies for the promotion of legal services and effective time-management;

- provision of recommendations in matters of marketing of legal services;

- preparation of analytical and methodical materials for young advocates regarding the organization of legal practice;

- interaction with the regional bodies of the Bar self-government on issues within its competence;

- interaction with legislative, executive, and judicial authorities and with leading law firms in order to hold joint roundtables, seminars, and master-classes for the purpose of sharing experience, developing the legal profession, increasing its prestige, and eliminating gaps in legislation.


Committee Leadership


Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Bohdan Kushnir

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Dmytro Khutorny


Committee Board Membership

Edgar Simonyan


Committee Experts:

Tatyana Bohdanevich


Акордеон: The Administrative Law and Procedure Committee

The Administrative Law and Procedure Committee is a permanent collegial advisory body established at the Ukrainian National Bar Association by order of the UNBA/BCU President dated May 4, 2020 No. 70.

The purpose of the Committee is to promote the development and improvement of administrative law and procedure, administrative proceedings, to increase the level of awareness of advocates about administrative law and procedure, to ensure the deepening of the practical experience of advocates by creating strategies for judicial and extrajudicial protection of the rights and interests of parties to administrative legal relations.

Committee objectives:

- participation in the development of draft laws and acts in the field of administrative law and process, administrative proceedings;

- preparation of proposals for draft laws and acts, as well as proposals for improving the provisions of current legislation regulating administrative legal relations and administrative proceedings;

- organization and participation in various events (conferences, forums, round tables, seminars) regarding topical issues of administrative law and process, administrative justice;

- interaction with state authorities, local self-government bodies, courts, international institutions, enterprises and organizations with the aim of developing a unified position on theoretical and practical issues in the field of administrative law and procedure, administrative proceedings, as well as on issues of organizing the provision of administrative services, public service and services in local self-government bodies, organization and activities of local executive bodies, local self-government bodies and self-organization bodies of the population, as well as on other issues arising from public-legal relations;

- preparation of analytical and methodical materials for advocates;

- development of educational programs aimed at improving the qualifications of advocates in the field of administrative law and procedure;

- cooperation with specialized higher educational institutions for the purpose of joint participation in scientific, research and other programs and projects aimed at the development of administrative law and process, administrative justice;

- analysis and generalization of international and national law enforcement and judicial practice in the field of administrative legal relations.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Yury Tiberiyovych Bauman

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Kateryna Manoylenko

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Olena Dzhaburiya


Committee Board Membership

Alesya Vasylchenko

Olena Kalashnykov

Oksana Prodan

Vladyslav Teremetski

Iryna Todorych 

Yevgenyi Chernalivsky

Акордеон: The UNBA Committee on Free Legal Aid

The UNBA Committee on Free Legal Aid is a permanent collegial advisory body established under the Ukrainian National Bar Association in accordance with the decision of the Bar Council of Ukraine dated July 4, 2015 No. 74.


The purpose of the Committee is to monitor the functioning and development of the system of free legal aid in Ukraine, to analyze and summarize information on the provision of free legal aid, to develop changes to the legislation of Ukraine on free legal aid and related acts, to establish relations in the field of providing free legal aid legal aid.


Committee objectives


- develops draft legislative acts in the field of providing free legal aid and submits them to the Bar Council of Ukraine for consideration;

- collects, summarizes and analyzes information on the provision of free legal aid;

- participates in the organization and conduct of seminars, conferences, trainings and other events of the Ukrainian National Bar Association;

- interacts with the regional Bar self-government on issues that belong to its competence;

- interacts with public organizations for the purpose of discussing and summarizing developments in matters of providing free legal aid;

- considers appeals within the limits of its authority;

- performs other functions within the scope of competence as instructed by the Bar Council of Ukraine, UNBA/BCU President.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Oksana Kadenko

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Anna Zosimenko

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Olena Demyanova


Committee Board Membership

Ivan Angelin 

Mykhailo Antipenko

Oleksandr Baidyk 

Lesya Burchak 

Oleksandr Vozniuk

Nataliya Zagornyak

Evgeniya Kovalenko

Dmytro Mamchyk

Oleg Pavlenko

Artem Pytomets

Pavlo Popovych

Olga Sambir

Alina Samarets

Olga Yunchyk

Акордеон: The UNBA Rule of Law Committee

The UNBA Rule of Law Committee is a permanent collegial advisory body established in accordance with the decision of the Bar Council of Ukraine dated 15 Nov 2017 No. 240.

The main goal of the Rule of Law Committee is to spread the European understanding of the rule of law as a fundamental social value and the basis of the constitutional order, to carry out research on the rule of law and to bring modern approaches to its understanding and practical application in Ukrainian advocacy and justice.

Committee objectives:

- promoting the improvement of the qualifications of advocates in the field of constitutional and legal regulation in order to properly ensure the implementation of constitutionally defined human rights, freedoms and responsibilities and increase the role of advocates in the system of human rights protection in Ukraine, including in the field constitutional justice;

- analysis of draft legislative acts, which are directly or indirectly related to advocacy and/or legal practice, for compliance with the conclusions of the European Commission "For Democracy through Law" (Venice Commission), European standards and values;

- development of practical recommendations for establishing the rule of law in Ukraine, preparation of applied analytical reports on current law enforcement issues;

- scientific and educational (training) activities aimed at instilling the rule of law, human-centered values ​​in the legal consciousness of advocates and other participants in the administration of justice;

- preparation of scientific (expert) conclusions and practical recommendations on the problems of application of the rule of law and its components in various areas of advocacy and other aspects of legal practice;

- provision of recommendations on the application of the principle of the rule of law, international standards of human rights, legal positions of the Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, the European Court of Human Rights, the European Commission "For Democracy through Law" (Venice Commission) to advocates and Bar self-government.

Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Maryna Stavniychuk

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Maryana Afanasyeva


Committee Board Membership

Vitaly Vasylyk 

Vitaliy Vlasiuk 

Oksana Zaitseva

Oleksandra Karpenko

Andriy Kotlyar 

Lyubov Krupnova

Olena Pryadko 

Yana Salmina 

Bronislav Totskyi

Yana Trinyova 

Anastasia Ulasevich 

Artem Khmelnikov

Vitaliy Chornenky

Iryna Shevchuk

Акордеон: The Electoral Law Committee

The Electoral Law Committee is a permanent advisory collegial body established at the Ukrainian National Bar Association in accordance with the order of the UNBA/BCU President No. 58 of March 31, 2021.

The purpose of the Committee is to promote the development of electoral law, ensure the effective protection of the rights of the election stakeholders, exchange information between advocates regarding the application of the legislation, participate in law-making and rule-making work in the field of electoral law, as well as participate in the formation of law enforcement practice in the specified field.

Committee objectives:

- formation of the consolidated positions of the legal community on topical issues of changes to the electoral legislation, providing proposals and comments to the subjects of the legislative initiative and subjects authorized to adopt rules in this area;

- study, analysis and generalization of practice in the field of elections;

- conducting events (conferences, round tables, seminars, etc.) regarding legal issues of conducting elections and exercising the right to vote;

- formation and conducting of courses at the Higher School of Advocacy on legal issues in the field of application of electoral legislation;

- studying the foreign experience of advocates practicing in the field of electoral law;

- establishment of international cooperation with professional institutions, focused on electoral law;

- cooperation with specialized higher educational institutions for the purpose of joint participation in scientific, research and other programs and projects aimed at the development of electoral legislation;

- dissemination of legal knowledge among colleagues and a wide range of citizens with the aim of popularizing legal knowledge in the field of electoral law.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Alla Basalaieva

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Volodymyr Kistyanyk


Committee Board Membership

Nataliya Bernatskaya

Oksana Vasylchenko

Yurii Denysenko

Andrii Yevstigneev 

Oleksandr Korolenko

Taras Korolenko

Lyubov Krygan 

Svitlana Kustova 

Tetyana Savyak

Boris Siklitsky

Mykola Torbeiev

Акордеон: The Commercial Law and Procedure

The Commercial Law and Procedure is a permanent advisory collegial body established at the Ukrainian National Bar Association in accordance with the order of the UNBA/BCU President No. 51 dated April 14, 2020.


The purpose of the Committee is the development of commercial law and procedure in Ukraine and the provision of methodological, theoretical and legal assistance to advocates practicing in this field.


Committee objectives:

- professional development of advocates in the field of commercial law and procedure;

- timely informing advocates about current trends in the work of state bodies and legislative initiatives in the field of commercial law and procedure;

- promoting the exchange of experience between advocates practicing commercial law, studying the best practices of the international community, which is carried out with the participation of foreign advocates, in particular from the European Union and the USA;

- promoting the development of mediation in the commercial procedure;

- improvement of economic and legal institutions, in particular through the involvement of international experience;

- collection and generalization of court practice, analysis of legislation in the field of commercial law and procedure;

- representation of advocate’s interests in the field of commercial law and procedure before state authorities, local self-government, other subjects of state power, international organizations.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Hanna Osetynska

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Oleksandr Chernykh

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Maria Orlyk

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Dmytro Velichko

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Oleg Kulyk


Committee Board Membership

Lyubov Bartaschuk

Halyna Boyko

Vadym Popko

Tetyana Proskurnya 

Vladyslav Reznikov 

Nadiya Tarasova 


Committee Experts:

Gennadiy Kravchuk 

Mykhailo Novikov

Акордеон: UNBA Energy Law Committee

UNBA Energy Law Committee


Committee Leadership


Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Oleksandr Trokhymets


Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Vladyslav Vlasyuk

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Svitlana Lobanova



Committee Board Membership

Vovk Svitlana Stepanivna

Serhii Mykolayovych Kravchyk

Oleksandr Vyacheslavovich Melnyk

Tarasiuk Tetyana Mykolayivna

Yulia Yuryivna Tolchinina-Burunska

Акордеон: The UNBA Committee on Information Policy and Interaction with Mass Media

The UNBA Committee on Information Policy and Interaction with Mass Media is a permanent advisory collegial body established at the Ukrainian National Bar Association in accordance with the decision of the Bar Council of Ukraine No. 138 of May 26, 2017.


Committee Leadership

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Oleksiy Shevchuk

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Yury Radzievskyi

Персональна карточка с фото, должностью и контактами: Dmytro Buzanov


Committee Board Membership

Yaroslav Kuts

Vitaly Serdyuk 

Oleksandr Chernykh

Volodymyr Yemelyanov 


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