Higher School of Advocacy of the Ukrainian National Bar Association (hereinafter - "the HSA") is an academic, educational and training institution created by the decision of the Bar Council of Ukraine.
The HSA is one of the main elements of the UNBA academic, research and training activities and its organizational structure.
In order to integrate the Ukrainian bar with the European standards of legal assistance, the HSA establishes links with academic, training and research institutions, organizations, associations and other interstate bar associations of foreign States; participates in competitions for grants of foreign and international foundations and NGOs in order to implement joint educational, training and research programs on the bar and practice of law; creates joint educational, training and research programs with foreign universities, training and research institutions, organizations, etc.
The HSA main objectives are, among others, as follows:
- Carrying out academic activities and resolving the issues of organization and activities of the bar through a conduct of research and support of creative activities of participants of academic, training and educational process;
- Organization of continuous training of advocates;
- Preparation of highly qualified academic personnel and use of the received results in the academic, training and educational process for the bar; conducting research on the history, organization and operation of the bar;
- Preparation of practical recommendations on improvement of activities of the bar;
- Promotion of dissemination of legal information, development of legal education and training, raising the legal culture of population for the establishment in Ukraine of international standards of human rights and effective implementation of their rights;
- Implementation of the leading European quality standards in the sphere of legal aid, protection of advocates’ rights and professional guarantees;
- Cooperation with international legal institutions;
- Examination and consolidation of mechanisms for implementation of legislative acts;
- Coordination of research and academic papers on major issues of advocacy;
- Promotion of achievements of legal science and promotion of dissemination of academic knowledge in the field of advocacy.
HSA Rector:

Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, full member (academician) of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, advocate, senior partner of the Law Offices KAIROS
Е-адреса: o.sviatotskyi@unba.org.ua
HSA First Vice-Rector:

Oleksandr DROZDOV
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Assistant professor, Chairman of the Higher Qualification and Disciplinary Commission of the Bar, advocate, member of the UNBA Expert Council and the Scientific and Advisory Board, Head of the Advocate’s union 'CAU', Master of Public Service
Е-адреса: a.drozdov@vkdka.org
HSA Vice-Rector on Academic Activities:

Doctor of Legal Sciences, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine
Е-адреса: r.stefanchuk@unba.org.ua
HSA Vice-Rector for International Cooperation:

Doctor Juris, LLM, UNBA Coordinator of advocates’ continuous training, Council of Europe HELP Program info point, CoE and OSCE national expert/consultant
Е-адреса: i.karaman@unba.org.ua