How to register an electronic cabinet in the UJITS (video)

18:43 Thu 14.09.23 384 Reviews

Those attorneys who still do not have their own electronic cabinet in the Unified Judicial Information and Telecommunication System have just over one month left to comply with the relevant requirement of the Law.

To help lawyers register their e-offices in the UJITS, the Ukrainian National Bar Association has prepared a step-by-step video guide.

As a reminder, the UJITS electronic cabinet is a personal cabinet (web service or other user interface) in a subsystem (module), which provides a person who has passed electronic identification with access to information and services of the Unified Judicial Information and Telecommunication System or its individual subsystems (modules), including the possibility of exchanging (sending and receiving) documents (including procedural documents, written and electronic evidence, etc.) between the court and participants in the trial, as well as between participants in the trial.

On 18 October 2023, Law No. 3200-IX dated 29.06.2023 «On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Mandatory Registration and Use of Electronic Offices in the Unified Judicial Information and Telecommunication System or its Separate Subsystem (Module) Enabling Document Exchange» came into force.

The amended versions of Article 6 of the Commercial Procedure Code, Article 14 of the Civil Procedure Code and Article 17 of the Code of Administrative Procedure stipulate that attorneys are required to register their electronic offices in the UJITS or its separate subsystem (module) that enables the exchange of documents.

The issue of implementation of this provision of the Law was discussed at a meeting of the Bar Council of Ukraine on 11 August. According to the UNBA's decision No. 67, all lawyers who practice law must register with the UJITS. When registering with the UJITS, they are required to indicate the email address indicated in the Unified Register of Advocates of Ukraine. Among other things, the UNBA also recommended that bar councils in the region, if advocates apply, regardless of their workplace address, provide them with the necessary technical assistance in registering an electronic office in the UJITS.

According to the law, a person who has registered an electronic cabinet shall be served by the court with any documents in cases in which such person participates exclusively in electronic form by sending them to the electronic cabinet of such person, which does not deprive him/her of the right to receive a copy of the court decision in paper form upon a separate application.

Official e-mail addresses registered before the Law came into force will be considered electronic offices and will be used by the court and the parties to the case according to the rules and procedure that will be in force after the Law comes into force.

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