Call of Rivne Regional State Administration not to apply to lawyers violates the Constitution, - UNBA statement

14:09 Wed 19.02.25 97 Reviews

The Rivne Regional State Administration encourages the families of prisoners not to rush to contact private lawyers or attorneys for legal support. The UNBA called this position a violation of the constitutional guarantee of everyone's right to professional legal assistance.

On February 18, the Rivne Regional State Administration's Facebook page posted a message «Legal and psychological assistance for families of prisoners is free and accessible». It states, in particular, that when it comes to supporting the families of prisoners, «some unscrupulous legal organizations abuse people's trust and artificially inflate the cost of their services. This is unacceptable speculation on the pain and vulnerable situation of families». In addition, the RSA urged «not to rush to contact private lawyers or attorneys, because all these services are provided by state bodies and institutions free of charge». At the same time, it is suggested to contact the Department for Veterans' Policy of the RSA.

The National Bar Association of Ukraine noted that such statements are not true.

According to Articles 59 and 131-2 of the Constitution, everyone has the right to professional legal assistance. In cases provided for by law, this assistance is provided free of charge. Everyone is free to choose a defender of their rights. To provide professional legal aid, the Bar operates, and its independence is guaranteed.

In other words, it is lawyers who provide professional legal assistance to citizens of Ukraine, thus ensuring compliance with the constitutional guarantee. At the same time, the statement of the Rivne Regional State Administration that such assistance can be obtained free of charge from state bodies does not comply with the law.

Moreover, currently, family members of prisoners and missing persons, according to the Law «On Free Legal Aid», are not among the entities entitled to receive such assistance. In particular, this applies to filing claims, appealing against actions or omissions in court, and legal representation.

And it was the UNBA that initiated the preparation of amendments to Part 2 of Article 13 of this Law, which propose the provision of free legal aid for close relatives and family members of persons who went missing under special circumstances and persons who had the status of missing under special circumstances but whose whereabouts have been established.

In early January, the Rivne Regional State Administration announced the opening of 13 vacancies for specialists to support war veterans and demobilized persons. However, candidates for these positions are not required to have a law degree.

Thus, the provision of professional legal aid is not within the powers of the Rivne Regional State Administration and its Department for Veterans' Policy. However, the administration's calls for citizens to apply to government agencies for free legal services mislead citizens and create the illusion of free legal aid, which is not actually provided for by the current legislation, the UNBA noted.

According to Article 5 of the Law «On the Bar and Practice of Law», the Bar is independent of state authorities, local governments, their officials and officers. The state is obliged to create conditions for the Bar and guarantee its independence, and not to interfere in its activities, including by disseminating inaccurate information.

In view of this, the UNBA called on the Rivne Regional State Administration to take measures to remedy this situation, officially refute the false statements (since their dissemination misleads citizens and undermines confidence in professional legal aid) and continue to comply with the requirements of the law.

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