URAU opens emails of lawyers

15:13 Mon 21.10.24 15 Reviews

Information on the e-mail addresses of advocates posted in the Unified Register of Advocates of Ukraine has been made publicly available.

The relevant decision of the Bar Council of Ukraine No. 62 dated 21.09.2024 was published on the website of the Ukrainian National Bar Association.

According to the provisions of Art. 17 of the Law «On the Bar and Practice of Law», the BCU ensures the maintenance of the URAU in order to collect, store, record and provide reliable information on the number and personnel of advocates of Ukraine, advocates of foreign countries who, in accordance with this Law, have acquired the right to practice law in Ukraine, and on the organizational forms of practice of law chosen by advocates. Information is entered into the register by the bar councils of the regions and the BCU.

The URAU contains information on the advocate's surname, name and patronymic, number and date of issuance of the certificate of the right to practice law, number and date of the decision to issue the certificate of the right to practice law (number and date of the decision to include the advocate of a foreign state in the URAU), name and location of the organizational form of the Practice of Law, numbers of communication means, address of the advocate's workplace, numbers of communication means, suspension or termination of the right to practice law, and other information.

Such information was previously open and publicly available on the UNBA's website. At the same time, in connection with the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the Bar Council of Ukraine, having considered the appeal of the heads of bar self-government bodies and advocates, by its decision of 02.03.2022 No. 22 closed the personal data of advocates in the URAU for the period of martial law. By its Decision No. 62, the BCU opened the advocates' e-mail addresses for public access.

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