The profession of lawyer is more popular among men - Valentyn Gvozdiy

16:31 Fri 07.06.24 208 Reviews

According to the Unified Register of Advocates of Ukraine, there are 47.2 thousand active lawyers registered. Despite the war, the gender ratio in the profession remains unchanged.

The issues related to the URAU were outlined by Valentyn Gvozdiy, Vice President of the UNBA, BCU during a meeting of the Bar Council of Ukraine on June 7.

«As of today, the UNBA has 47225 active attorneys who have not had their right to practice law suspended or terminated. Together with those suspended and terminated, there are 69015, - he said. - The ratio of female and male attorneys remains unchanged at 40% to 60%, respectively».

V. Gvozdiy noted that this ratio is also true for young attorneys who are now entering the profession. «This suggests that our profession is still, unfortunately, less popular among women», - said Vice President of the UNBA, BCU.

He also drew attention to the fact that the number of trainees and assistants is now significantly increasing and today their number is about five thousand people. «In general, we understand that this is the potential reserve that will come to our profession in the next year or two», - explained V. Gvozdiy.

Vice President of the UNBA, BCU also provided data on the number of attorneys in terms of regional presence, registration in the personal account, as well as the status of payment of annual fees by attorneys to ensure the implementation of the bar self-government.

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