A project to support the mental health of lawyers is launched

The Ukrainian National Bar Association, with the support of the International Bar Association (IBA), is launching a new project «Supporting the mental health of Ukrainian lawyers in time of war».
Valentyn Gvozdiy Vice president of the UNBA, BCU, spoke about the project format and target groups at a meeting of the Bar Council of Ukraine.
He said that due to the military aggression, many lawyers today suffer from exhaustion, devastation, fatigue, anxiety, panic, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Vulnerable groups such as women, young people and colleagues in the areas of active hostilities need urgent support.
For example, many women lawyers have taken on additional responsibilities for caring for their children while continuing to practice law because their partners are serving in the army. Young professionals are unsure of their future in law and do not know how to build a career in the current environment. And lawyers who have faced the direct consequences of the war are trying to find a balance between safety and professional responsibilities.
The main components of the project will be individual therapy sessions (lawyers will receive certificates) and psychoeducational events (online webinars) on mental health issues (lawyers will be taught methods of mental health management and resilience building).
It is also planned to introduce a digital platform with round-the-clock access to an online library of psychology books for lawyers related to mental health, work-life balance, and career development in difficult times.
In the near future, the UNBA website will publish full information for advocates who wish to participate in this project.
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