Experienced lawyer is a ready-made judge for the first instance, - Chief Justice of the SC

17:14 Fri 03.01.25 35 Reviews

The judiciary is talking about simplifying qualification procedures for the selection of judges and quenching the staff shortage. At least for the duration of martial law. Lawyers can help solve the problem, among other things.

Censor.NET talked to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Stanislav Kravchenko about ways to solve the problem of staff shortage in the courts of Ukraine.

In particular, he criticized the duration of the judicial reform. «In my opinion, reforms are very good because they are the development of society. I'm not being disingenuous here, I really think so, - said the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. - But for reforms to be effective, they cannot be carried out over ten years. Tell me, what kind of reform can be called if not a single judge has been appointed to the appellate courts in 10 years?».

S. Kravchenko even supported the journalist's assumption that it was advisable to change the procedures. «I think we will have to do it», - he said. The Chief Justice cited the example of a recent competition for first instance judges. Given the length of the selection process, he believes it will take at least a year or two to complete. The High Council of Justice has also announced a competition for 550 positions in the courts of appeal. «According to my forecasts, by the time this competition is over in a year, it will be a «zero» or «minus» result. Because a lot of judges will resign», - explained S. Kravchenko. «And I am afraid that soon a significant part of the state will be left without judicial control. And there will be no one to consider all the cases we talked about - about unauthorized leaving of a unit, establishing the facts of a person's death, etc.», - he added.

«Therefore, I think that the moment will come when such complex procedures will have to be revised, - said the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. - At least for the period of martial law and for certain categories of citizens - lawyers, prosecutors, investigators, and judicial assistants. If a person has 8-10 years of experience in these positions, believe me, he is a ready-made judge for the first instance».

The full interview with S. Kravchenko can be read here.

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